Making an appeal follows after your visa has been rejected. The Embassy expects you to explain why you think they were wrong to refuse your application. It is in your concern to complete the form as carefully as possible your current contact address. While appealing using form IAFT-2, you or your representative must sign the form or it will be returned back to you. If you possess documents supporting your basis for appeal, you should mail these with the appeal form. It is crucial that these documents are be in English or accompanied by a certified translation. Always use a standard A4-sized paper only for your supporting documents and avoid stapling them instead use paperclips. You should submit form no later than 28 calendar days after the date when you receive your notice of decision.



Universities & Colleges in UK

The University of Plymouth
University of Aberdeen
University of Bradford
Anglia Ruskin University


Admission in UK Universities Colleges

Coming to study in the UK is your opportunity to gain the skills, outlook and confidence you need to fulfil your potential.


UK Visa Requirements

An unconditional offer of a place on a course offered by a licensed Tier 4 Sponsor, evidenced by a 'Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) form from your course provider (worth 30 points)


Refusal Appeal

Making an appeal follows after your visa has been rejected. The Embassy expects you to explain why you think they were wrong to refuse your application.

Leave us your details and we will contact you

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Best Universities in UK

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